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Is there anybody out there?

S. B. Unger

Like many Indie Authors, I struggle to find my tribe of readers and other authors alike.

Sure there are authors I follow and I don't care that they follow me back really, but what I find myself caring about is if anyone is out there. Would anyone engage with me if they are not a bot? Would anyone be interested in what I have to say? What I have to write? What I think on social media?

On the surface it's disheartening but deep down, I really do think that people would enjoy my books, at the very least I enjoy my book(s).

Would I love to be able to quit my day job and write full time, pumping out new books a couple times of year? If I had the opportunity and time and security, like many other indie authors who would want the same thing, I would say sure in a heartbeat.

See my last post about why I don't write full time here.

I'm not saying that seeing nobody interacting with my status on Twitter(X) is not bringing feelings of shouting out into the void of what has become overwhelming political commentary, even though someone else would post the exact same thing, and get hundreds of interactions (likes, reposts, replies or views), but it's pretty close.

Gives me the impression that I would have more reactions from a brick wall.

I didn't go on there to see what's politically happening or to get spammed about following someone for a follow back. I went on there to promote my book and to see what other indie authors are up too, but this is no longer the case. I had actually uninstalled twitter(X) for a few years, and unfortunately, when I gave it another chance recently I discovered that it hasn't really changed from what I left it as. I get status' of people I don't even follow on Twitter(X) and spammed by bots and it's just stop being fun for me.

I am hoping to find better luck on other socials.

I am trying my hand at interacting with other platforms (instagram and facebook) more now that I am more out of the writers closet. Though I'm not out completely... but still more out than I was the first time I had released Winter Bound. There are still some people in my life that I haven't told about my indie author aspirations for fear of them being unsupportive or negative about my "little hobby". Anyone else ever have this issue? No? Just me?

It can get kind of lonely in my corner of the internet especially as I rebuild my platform from the bottom up. But I have made it a mission to find my tribe. My tribe of urban fantasy fans. My tribe of indie authors. My tribe of those who might enjoy my novels that I publish.

At the time of this post I have less than 25 friends/followers combined on my socials. I can't really afford advertisements right now but I hear that that's one of the best ways to get your work out there. Another thing I've heard when it comes to marketing is that "Your next book is the best advertisement for your current book" meaning that your back list is the best way to make a steady income. I'm doubtlessly working on my next few books in the series and even have inklings for a another series (but lets start with this one.)

Good news is that while it took me a very long time, to get my creative fire back, I have it back for the most part. I already have a good draft of Book 2 (Title pending) of the Mississippi River Pack, but before I deep dive into it, I want to make sure that Winter Bound is where I want it to be. I don't want to repeat my mistake in 2018 when I first released it (all rush and very little focus on quality). Back then instead of being excited that someone saw and read my book, I would be embarrassed because I knew it wasn't what I thought it should be.

I may make a post about my struggle with writers block and obtaining my creative fire in a future blog post but for now I'll just stick to wondering if anyone is out there in the "interwebs" (as it were).

And if someone is fee free to say hi if you want to, I ensure you that it will not go unnoticed.



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