Winter Bound is out in the wild for all the world to read. After taking most of September to finalize the details for the release, like formatting and pricing. I have also wanted to share a few 'sneak peeks' throughout October.
A special shout out to those who check out my blog, my site, my writing and considering purchasing my re-vamped debut novel. These sneak peeks are dedicated to you.
The following scene is from Chapter 7, with Nada, Zikie, Galaxie, and some unwelcome company.
“That bloodsucker is going to leave with me, damn it.” She shot the gun but missed Galaxie.
Zikie threw open his door for Galaxie to duck behind. Supernatural speed had its perks. I could see her more openly now through the gap between the headrest and the seat itself. But she couldn’t see me, and that was the important part. There was now a bullet lodged in the interior back door.
I looked at Zikie for a hint not to worry, but he just looked back at me. “You’re doing good staying right there,” he whispered.
“Ariel,” said Zikie, standing up and walking out to stand next to Galaxie. “Still working for the highest bidder, I see.”
“Zikie?” Ariel said, taken aback. “What are you doing with her?”
“With who?”
“You’re not helping her, are you?” Ariel seemed let down by him.
Zikie put his hands up in defense, like Galaxie. “Would you mind narrowing that down for me?”
Ariel grunted in frustration and began to walk over to the Jeep, still aiming the gun at them.
Just then, an old car that had seen way too many years and had no business being out in this weather sped by the scene. It drifted, making a tire-screeching sound along with some smoke coming out of the back tires, and it managed to park front bumper to front bumper with us. There was no distinctive logo on the car, and the faded red hood color did not match the faded matte blue colors of the rest of the vehicle. Five men altogether got out of the small vehicle, grinning with some malicious intentions.
“Oh c’mon!” Galaxie said, pulling out his gun, looking over at the casually dressed men. “What do you fuckers want?”
“The same thing that everyone wants,” the tallest guy with a dark beard replied. “The girl. Where is she?”
Galaxie raised the gun halfway ready to aim.
“The vampire who’s her uncle is paying her inheritance for her living return,” the scruffy man said next to the tall man. “We want her now!”
Well, there goes all the monetary value back to the Palace.
“Oh, hell no. I will kick your asses as well if I have to, Dane, but I’m getting that bounty,” Ariel said.
“Come back when you can play with the big dogs, little girl,” Dane, the tall one, replied, almost growling. Dane and a few people behind him pulled out their guns, but Zikie magically had his gun aimed at them before they could prepare theirs.
I don’t know if it was really magic, but hadn’t seen him pull it out. Why did so many supernaturals need guns? Because they were all dealing with enchanted bullets. Why was a human in a fight with werewolves to capture a vampire? Because why the hell not?
“It doesn’t have to be like this,” Zikie said.
“Just let us go on our way,” Galaxie stated.
“Shoot up the car,” Dane said.
“Wait!” I shouted and stood out from the car, then walked between Galaxie and Zikie so I could see what all I was dealing with. “I’m right here!”
“If you want her, you go through us,” Zikie said.
I looked to my left and saw Dane and his gang with their guns aimed at us, willing to kill the two men defending me. I looked to my right and saw Ariel with the same ambition and her loaded gun focused on the same men.
All of them just wanted one thing: me.
For more, feel free to get WINTER BOUND today (exclusively on amazon kindle ebook and paperback).