There are a million ways that indie authors have set up their ideal routine. And they even are able to follow through everyday. I am not one of those indie authors. Or at least not yet.
I would enjoy having a nice steady routine to be able to stick with but it seems as though once I make a plan for the weekend to have a little 'staycation' and not leave my office, I suddenly forget that there was a prior engagement I have been committed too...usually out of obligation.
While life and work tend to take away a lot of my energy to do the things I enjoy (such as writing) when I do have the energy and time for it, I can sneak in little sections of time here and there throughout the week. I will try to do a variation of my ideal routine, bare minimum for me is just needing a drink and my laptop.
Of course this changes with the seasons and even what time of day it is or even what kind of weather is outside. Even though I prefer writing at night, and on rainy days sometimes (more often than I would like) that just doesn't happen for me. I am by no means a full "plotter" or "pantser" but I do fall somewhere in the middle. I've heard it called "intuitive writer" before.
BUT since fall is around the coroner (next month) I thought that it would be neat to share my current ideal writing routine. I will talk more in future blog posts this fall (especially with National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) coming up) about my set up and my plan, but this is where I am for now.
So let's pretend that I have no obligations on a day that I am off from my day job. How about we pretend it's a four day weekend for me and I have my kitchen cleaned the laundry done, and my workout in for the day.
Ideally this would be my writing routine:
Morning time - rainy and thunderstorms all day (or snowy in the winter)
I'd go to my desk with the blinds on the window open so that I could see outside.
I would set up my computer and open my series bible, my rough outline for my story, and my WIP that I keep in my documents on my computer.
I would have a notebook or planner with a to-do list for the weekend or day that I would like to get done. A small collection of different colored pens and highlighters for my paper planner and my notebook.
There would be a seasonal candle I would have lit, but there is something new I kind of want to try this fall where I only light a certain candle scent that reminds me of writing.
And of course I am wearing a hoodie, shorts, and short ankle socks since it's the warmer months and my husband loves the air conditioner. In the wintertime I wear fuzzy socks.
I have my iced tea or iced coffee in a fancy glass with a wooden top and a glass straw ready and then I would put on some more rainy thundery ambiance sounds. Or if in wintertime a hot drink of choice sometimes.
After looking over where I was in my work in progress (WIP) and what scene I want to do next, I meditate with a 20 minute sound bath video I found on youtube, and try to relax enough to where I can focus on my world that I created and what I want to do with the plot.
Then I dive in and get to work.
The Fall/Winter months are not much different, other than it would be snowy or a cloudy day, and I would have blanket with me.
Same goes for nighttime writing routine only sometimes (especially during the spring and summer) I'll go for a drive around sunset and then let the magic of the moonlit night take over my creative mind. Once I'm set with inspiration and ideas, I dive 'write' (lol get it) in.
My current writing routine consists of me being able to have the energy to do what I enjoy, some time so that I can get into the right mindset for my WIP (like a few hours) and feel like that I am able to make some progress on it, and to not feel guilty about doing what I enjoy for an evening instead of deep cleaning my car or sorting my laundry or organizing my kitchen. That is IF I have all my non-writing indie author tasks done, like managing my socials or my website.
I think that things will calm down and settle in soon or at least it feels like it's starting too. So that way I can get closer to my ideal writing routine, but until then I am a creature of the night and the night is where my creative self be (mostly).
