It's exactly what this title says, I'll be talking about why I delayed the re-release date for Winter Bound. There are a few reasons, and they are in no particular order but I feel like it's important to post why I delayed it.
I lost a week of work on Winter Bound For the last week or so, I had a deadline at my day job to work on, and even pulled a few all nighters with my team to make sure that the project got done on time. Using all my mental energy to focus on my day job didn't make it easy for me to pay attention to projects that I really enjoy doing - like writing. So looking over the comments that I have made in my draft before going to the formatting stage wouldn't have been very productive for me. (And trust me I tried).
I can have more time to fine tune the novel I have more time to fine tune the details of the book paperback proof and ebook formatting before I announce it to the world. And if anything comes up again, such as a work deadline, or I come down with a head cold then I have budgeted enough time for that as well. While I try not to aim for perfection, I would like to put out better work than I did previously.
I have less deadline pressure Originally when I made the rerelease date Aug 1st, I didn't account for days that I may not be able to work on Winter Bound itself. There's a lot of admin (like editing and maintaining a website) and social media work that indie authors do and I also didn't account for days where I could be interrupted (things beyond my control that are life related) when trying to make said deadline. But this also gives me more time to be able to "market" and interact on social media to help find my writer/reader tribe.
Even though I wanted to release it on Lammas/Lughnasadh (I have a character who is pagan) it looks like it will have to be more around Mabon. Which is also kinda nice because in a way it's a cute shout out to the coming winter.
I know a few pagan people in real life and from what I have learned (even thought I had to look at the exact dates for the southern hemisphere) Lammas is the first of 3 harvest festivals and takes place around August 1st in the northern hemisphere and around February 1st in the southern hemisphere. The second festival is Mabon (autumnal equinox) around September 21st in the northern hemisphere and around March 20th in the southern hemisphere and Sahmin around October 31st (same day as Halloween) in the northern hemisphere and May 1st in the southern hemisphere.
Additionally if I end up having everything the way I want it for release earlier than I thought I would, that gives me more time to work on book 2 (and possibly book 3).
I may do a future blog about my process and little things that I find in my research but for now I have a new deadline coming up and will leave you with the new release date of September 21st 2024 for WINTER BOUND.